Upcoming Events

Public Relations

Our Public Relations Chairman this year is Bob Monaco. Officers and Committee Chairpersons who have things that need to be advertised and promoted need to submit them to Bob. His email address is [email protected] If you want to promote an event, function, or fundraiser, please forward the information to Bob so he can ensure we get this information into the newspaper, on TV, on social media, and into our website. If you have a flier or pictures, include them as they can be very useful in promoting who we are and what we do. Promoting Elkdom is a necessity. This is how the public knows who we are along with the work we do. It is also another way in which we can increase our Membership. Increasing our membership numbers is vital to the success of our Lodge.

Greetings from The Station of Fidelity Wow, what an evening we had at the Inaugural Ball! I was so impressed by all of the efforts and work the volunteers put into the decorations, food, food service, and cake design. I can’t thank you all enough for the hard work and amazing efforts poured into every detail of the evening. We also had a full house! Thank you to all who attended, including our District Officials and Lancaster City Councilman Ken Mann who represented himself and the Mayor. I was honored to be presented the City’s Proclamation, and honored and humbled by everyone who was there. It was an evening to remember. I am looking forward to serving all of you and our beloved Lodge with full force and enthusiasm. I will work to continue making our Lodge one of the best there is. I truly do count on each one of you. Without your help, nothing will be done. I can’t wait to see the great things we will accomplish together. Elks Freedom Because You Served!

Your Exalted Ruler,
Anwar Caram

Greetings from The Station of Charity    My fellow Elks, As your newly installed Leading Knight, I have been giving a great amount of thought to the motto of this station-Charity. For me, one sentence in the Initiation Ritual strikes at the heart of this motto: “The witchery of wealth is not in having, but in sharing.” For each individual ELK, we must look into our own heart and decide what “sharing” represents to us. How did each of us define sharing when we stood up and joined as a member of the ELKS? We are taught in life that each individual has their own talent. Regardless of what that talent may be, as a benevolent organization relying on volunteers & serving the community, that talent is valuable to your Lodge. Whether you choose to come to Sunday breakfast or Monday hot dogs, join in one of our many evening activities, participate in a committee (there are many to choose from) or by coming to our Lodge meetings on Tuesday evenings-it is by your participation & generosity that we continue to exist and be a part of the larger BPOE community! So, as your new Leading Knight, I give a call to action for Charity. Find your talent and engage with the Lodge so that we can continue to give back by always remembering that “our whole influence in life is determined by the good deeds we do.”
Your Esteemed Leading Knight,
Michael Barnum

Greetings from the Station of Justice  With my new position, I have a lot of programs to plan. One of the most important ones, in my opinion, is drug awareness. It is a scary thing to wake up every morning and wonder how many people/kids have taken a deadly dose of some kind of substance. It takes a village to try and bring awareness to the youth in this day and age. But with the help of the Elks, I am hoping to bring awareness, even if it’s only to a few. Elks believe the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow. With that in mind, the Elks Drug Awareness Program reaches out to youth of all ages and backgrounds. Through the 1,994 Lodges in communities across the country, Elks work to combat youth substance abuse. So please join me in spreading the word.
Your Esteemed Loyal Knight,
Jean Alcala

Greetings From The Station Of Brotherly Love  Welcome back to the brotherly corner. I’d like to formally invite you to my events this month: Mother’s Day Ceremony 9AM May 12th, and Memorial Day Ceremony 11AM May 27th. A Mother’s Day Poem: “Dear Lord, I need a favor with Mother’s Day around the corner. Would you hug my mom, and place a kiss upon her cheek and tell her it’s from me?” (Author unknown)
Your Esteemed Lecturing Knight,
Luis Garcia

Greetings From Chaplain   This month is dedicated to mothers everywhere. We pray for those that are still living and those that live in our hearts. If your mother is still living, please give her an extra hug and tell her you love her. Dear Lord, please be with us this month as we celebrate mothers at our Mother’s Day program. Bless our Elk Officers who will be contributing to the program. Thank you, Lord, for the many blessings you bestow upon us every day. In Jesus’ name we ask this. Amen.
Your Chaplain,
Cynthia Brehm