Hello Fellow Elk Members and Veterans,
Veterans Corner Comments for November 2023:
    Armistice Day commemorated the end of fighting in World War I under the armistice implemented at 11am on November 11, 1918- the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the first Armistice Day a year later. Seeking to pay tribute to the 16 million Americans who fought in World War II (including 407,000 who died) and others who served the nation in any of its wars, Congress, and President Dwight Eisenhower in 1954 redesignated the November 11th holiday “Veterans Day.” “Let us reconsecrate ourselves to the task of promoting and enduring peace so that their efforts shall not have been in vain.” Eisenhower wrote in his first Veterans Day proclamation. During Veterans Remembrance Month, Elks across the country will be participating in civic Veterans Day ceremonies, making their presence known and reminding the public that “So long as there are Veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them.” Our Lodge Officers will be presenting a wreath during the memorial service at Joshua Memorial; Cemetery. The Lodge Veterans Service Committee presented an Elks National Foundation $2,000.00 Spotlight Grant to the Lancaster Veterans 4 Vets Organization who assist local Veterans who are experiencing homelessness and food in security. Glen Campbell Veterans Committee
Lancaster Elks Lodge #1625  

Antelope Valley Vet Center: 38925 Trade Center Drive, Suite J, Palmdale, CA 93551 Phone (661) 267-1026 Fax (661) 267-2045 See the Antelope Valley Vet Center for Readjustment Counseling; Post-Traumatic Stress Counseling; Sexual Trauma Counseling; Bereavement Counseling; Help for Women Veterans; Referrals for V.A. Benefits; and Employment Referrals.
California Department of Veterans Affairs: (800) 952-5626, WWW.CALVET.CA.GOV See CAL-VET for Healthcare; Education; Housing; Employment Home Loan;s Veteran Homes; Compensation and Pension Claims and Other State Benefits. VETERANS TAKE CARE OF VETERANS.

This article was taken from the February edition of the Grand Lodge Newsletter:
  Army of Hope eases life’s stresses for military members By Stewart G. Israel In February 2003, the Elks announced the Army of Hope program to assist military members, including active-duty military personnel, deployed units, military reservists, the Coast Guard, the National Guard, and their families. The Army of Hope allows the military member to safely concentrate on his or her duties without worrying about the family at home. It has many facets and can be easily adapted to the needs of local and state organizations, VFWs, churches, and scout groups to adopt units and families to help them through these trying times. The first step, like with many projects, in to gather some volunteers. After you have established your Army of Hope volunteers, contact local groups like Reserve and National Guard units, Blue Star Family groups, and other groups for military members. Ask what their biggest struggles are, and offer examples of things your Lodge can do to help. Military families may contact the Lodge or volunteers directly, depending on how you set up the program.
Examples of aid assistance include:
• School Lunches
• Medical and dental emergencies not covered by insurance.
• Auto repairs or transportation when needed
• Minor home repairs (plumbing, electrical, painting, etc.)
• Full-time to back-up babysitting
• Lawn mowing, snow shoveling, landscaping, sprinkler repairs.
• Clothing and shoes